Since a young age, I have loved to read. I have loved getting lost in a story about others’ lives and exploring and learning about new things.

It was not long before my love of reading transformed into a desire to write. I wanted to tell my own stories and be the one to explain new things to others.

I wrote stories, poems, essays, etc. in spiral-bound notebooks and later on the computer. I would share the things I had written with a few loved ones and close friends, but mostly kept them to myself.

But, as years went by, a growing desire to do more with my writing burned within me. Especially as I began reading God’s word and writing the things he laid on my heart as I learned about him more.

Sadly, I have let doubt and fears hold me back many years from pursuing the call to write I feel the Lord has placed in my heart.

I am working very hard to break through those doubts and fears and put my trust in God and his ability to use me to share his love with others through my writings.

This blog is the first step in breaking those strongholds and pursuing my writing dreams. But, I hope it will not be the last step.

It is my dream, desire, and plan to pursue writing Christian fiction, namely romance, to share with the public. I hope to turn this page about my writing dreams into a page where you can come and learn about the things I have written and get copies for yourself.

Until then, I ask for your prayers for my pursuit of fulfilling God’s call on my life and that he uses anything I may write to further his kingdom.